Jeers to Hillary Clinton for keeping the pressure on Obama over his Pastor Rev. Wright - a pro-gay fighter for social justice who has been smeared by the media.
Jeers to Quebec for ending Sex Ed!
Cheers to the Boston Pride Committee for choosing the most progressive theme of the options presented. (Now let's cut down on the corporate nature of this event!)
What are your cheers & Jeers?
jeers to anyone who assumes that because you are queer you want to be openly groped and prodded in public by strangers. this just happened to me as i was trying to buy produce. thanks, but i never wanted my broccoli with a side of molestation.
UM, no.
Jeers to Rev. Wright.
Hillary was answering a question that the press asked. And honestly, I walked away from hateful religon. so could Obama.
So I guess, Jeers to Obama too!
hateful religion??????
Please explain.
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