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repost: beware of brenna kate simonds

Reminder: Don't forget to keep your eye out for the evil work of Brenna Kate! Brenna Kate Simonds isn't just crazy like Amy Contrada. She is armed and dangerous, with the backing of Exodus international and Boston's Park Street Church. Brenna, who claims to have recovered from being a lesbian, has a one woman mission to "save" us from our "homosexual lifestyles." She is the director of Alive In Christ an Exodus International Affiliate that operates out of the Park Street Church. There, she brainwashes gay teens into believing their lifestyles are full of sin, and no doubt refers them to the extremely dangerous conversion camps run by Exodus. Unlike Brian and Amy, Brenna tries to be hip. She's a musician, has an i-pod, and works part-time at a coffee shop. Maintaining a youthful image no doubt helps her lure gay teens into her sick and twisted world.


Boston Bud said...

Interesting story on her Mark. I followed the links and caught up on her life story. People like her are dangerous to youth especially with her questionable past. Why is it always the people who "recover" are the ones trying to change others. Is it because their lives are so crappy that they figure others are not living a happy life?

John Hosty said...

I followed the link to her blog and read as much as I could stomach. What a sideshow.

Anonymous said...

It would probly take a good psychologist about 2 minutes to figure her out.

Sandouri Dean Bey said...

what the fuck are all those things on her head?

anyway, it has nothing to do with your post, but you guys should check out queeruption.

Sandouri Dean Bey said...

jesus, what can we expect from someone who's favorite restaurant is taco bell (according to her blog)??

Anonymous said...

you guys don't know her at all. All you can think of is hatred for her because you don't understand where she is coming from. There is nothing wrong with helping people live different lives, after all, if normal therapy is acceptable, why shouldn't this be? How is she dangerous? People come to her because they feel they want to live a different life, they want a change, so they go to her and ask for guidance and help. You know what's dangerous? Your arrogance to her life, to what she believes. She respects you, she is willing to put herself out there because God has called her to do something that she knew ahead of time would not be easy. You're what's dangerous, and you're ignorant beliefs that she is "da ngerous" What's so dangerous about her? The fact that she once was a gay person? She does what she does because she has the experience, the understanding, the will to do some GOOD in the world. I'm sure if someone who went to Alcoholics Anonymous said to the group leader "I don't think you should be doing this because you have a questionable past", people would say "What is wrong with you!?" Why is it okay for a recovering alcoholic to lead an AA group, but not an ex-gay to lead a ex-gay ministry? How do you know that those people are happy with their lifestyles? You don't, all you know is that you are afraid of what she is doing because you don't undestand it. And don't you say that I don't know her because I've known her personally for over 3 years, and she has been nothing but wonderful to me, helping me feel better about myself. You are judging something you don't know anything about, so before you go all crazy with your false information, look into it with an open mind, consider what she is trying to do, try to see it from her perspective. If you don't, then.... I'm sorry, but you are the dangerous ones. Not her.

Anonymous said...

To Brenna Kate's friend,

Maybe you can answer a question I've been wondering about. Why is it that ex-gay folks always work in a religious atmosphere, and call what they do "ministries"? I have yet to hear of a non-Christian or secular organization that is into exing gayness. So I have to wonder, isn't the desire by a few souls to be "ex-gay" really just the desire to fit into a religious system that teaches them that they are sick people living sinnful lives?

Brenna Kate is lucky to have a friend like you who will defend her. However, you are not doing either her or yourself any favors by not addressing the true source of her desire to be un-gay: intolerant religious indoctrination.

I truly wish you well. The truth will set you free.

Anonymous said...

Actually, NARTH and other reparative therapy orgs are all secular.