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new web site shocks conservatives

Disgusting New Web Site Debut: shocks "moral" thinkers nationwide!
Local group leads crusade against all "trans" web sites, logos, and products.

Amy Cumtrada, a conservative activist from Acton, MA is not happy about what she calls a "sick and depraved tran-e-revolution." Cumtrada and others, are upset that transgender activists are launching web sites that promote "immorality."

Cumtrada's latest crusade is an all out battle against, a web site that regularly advertises on local TV stations. "The name of this site sent shivers through my body. It shook me to my core," Cumtrada said in a shrieking voice during a recent phone interview. "I am deeply concerned that children will see this disgusting web site advertised on local television. There is not enough outrage."

Cumtrada concedes she is too afraid to actually visit, but that doesn't deter her. Cumtrada's group MassResistance has already registered as a part of their ongoing campaign to combat anything that may be perceived as relating transgender individuals, and to convince companies nationwide to remove the word "trans" from their logos and products.

"This is just the beginning," explained Cumtrada. The group has sent letters to the government asking for a ban on the words "trans" and "trans fat" from food containers in grocery stores. "I personally will not ever eat a pretzel rod from a bag that highlights the word "trans," Cumtrada told us. In the next few months Cumtrada said her group plans to continue their fight by targeting Trans World Entertainment, Trans Union, American Trans Airlines, and the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

Trevor "Douchebag" Wright, of the activist group said Cumtrada needed to get a life, "Female to Male (ftm) Trans people have every right in the world to launch a web site that focuses on enhancing their butt muscles through exercise. How could anyone be against exercising?"


Trevor Wright said...

well done.

Kasey H. said...

you don't have to do a google search for my butt, Mark. If you want to see it, you should just ask.