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Recap of the Logo/HRC Presidential forum

The Daily Show pokes some fun at the presidential forum... pretty funny.


Mark D. Snyder said...

The HRC debate was such a huge waste of my time. I want that time back! We already knew how the candidates felt about marriage. As expected and as usual, HRC failed us - big time. Not a peep about our youth. Not a peep about violence against our community on the streets. Not a peep about how the war affects LGBT people.

At least Kucinich & Gravel tried to broaden the debate more than HRC did.

Anonymous said...

Not a peep about how the war affects LGBT people.

Mr. Mark "Douchebag" Snyder,

You're talking about LGBT people who aren't "white queers" right? Alex claims our very presence can destroy a neighborhood!

And of course, you can't mean people too old to protest without a shirt. I mean, how can you support the rights of people who can't join you in emulating Captain Kirk while fighting the power?