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Truth Wins Out Shows Foolishness of "Ex-Gay" Therapy

NEW YORK - Truth Wins Out introduced two new Internet Public Service Announcements today (IPSA) that show the absurdity of the ex-gay myth, while rebutting the blatant fear tactics that these organizations use to recruit new members.

"We urge all bloggers to consider posting these ads, to educate Americans about the harm done by ex-gay therapies," said Wayne Besen, Executive Director of Truth Wins Out. "These ads use cutting edge humor to address a serious issue that is tearing apart families and ruining lives."

The first ad, "Bald," addresses a lie told by Exodus International's executive director Alan Chambers earlier this year on a national television show.

"What I found was that homosexuality was for the young," said Chambers. "There was a time when I wasn't going to have hair anymore. There was a time when I wasn't going to work out every day, and lay out in the sun, and be as much a commodity as I was when I was eighteen."

In "Bald"(:50), ex-gay survivor Nick Cavnar - a bald man from Washington, DC in his 50's - takes Chambers to task for exploiting the fears of young gay men. "I have wonderful friends," says Cavnar, "and many of them are bald too. And all of us middle age gay bald men, just want to tell you, it's great out here."

The second groundbreaking ad, "Rubber Band" (:30)features Dallas ex-gay survivor Brian Nesbitt, who was urged by his therapist to wear a rubber band on his wrist and snap it whenever he saw an attractive guy.

"You feel terrible that he had to go through this in his desperate efforts to go from gay to straight," said Besen. "But, at the same time, one can only snicker at the thought that this bizarre technique is still used and taken seriously by ex-gay organizations."

Truth Wins Out released these ads in time for the holiday season, because many people return home only to be confronted by sincere, but misguided, family members and friends wielding ex-gay literature like a club.

Truth Wins Out is a non-profit organization that counters right wing propaganda, exposes the "ex-gay" myth and educates America about gay life. For more information, visit

Thanks to Wayne Besen for alerting me to this news

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