The Latest

Budget Victories!

I just got this from PPLM.

Federal Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Funding--Vetoed!

Governor Patrick has vetoed budget language that would allow for ongoing acceptance of federal abstinence-only-until-marriage funding. Thanks to Governor Patrick's earlier decision to refuse this funding, reinforced by his veto today, Massachusetts has joined the growing list of states (now up to ten) that are refusing funding for these harmful and misleading programs. This is a major victory for the young people of Massachusetts!

Family Planning Program Funding Increased by 22%!

Governor Patrick has endorsed the funding level approved by the Legislature for the Department of Public Health's Family Planning Program, an increase of 22%! This both restores the 6% funding cut that family planning providers suffered in the current fiscal year, and provides an overall increase of $1 million for these programs. This is a terrific step toward addressing the unmet need for family planning services in our state.

Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program Funding Increased to $3.8 million!

Governor Patrick has approved the $800,000 funding increase in the line item for teen pregnancy prevention programs that was passed by the Legislature. These programs have contributed to a 40% drop in the teen birth rate, saving the Commonwealth atleast $100 million per year.

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