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Constitutional Convention 07- Round 1

The Massachusetts joint session of House and Senate went into session at 1pm and by 1:07 we were told they had recessed. The next convention will take place on June 14th at noon.

Rumor: There are reps and senators that are willing to vote against the amendment because they ‘believe’ in it but are holding out till the days before in hopes of quid pro quo (higher ranking seats on committees, or better parking spots, who knows?) Dirty Dirty Dirty

We will have to see who gets bumped up in committees when the votes are in…


Anonymous said...

I hate gay marriage.. It is pushing us to be like the people we fighting...

Anonymous said...

You are, of course, entitled to your (nameless and therefore less convincing than otherwise) opinion.

If you don't like marriage, don't get married, but don't try to tell me I shouldn't be married, for any reason. If you're going to argue against ALL marriage, fine; if your argument is specifically against same-sex marriage (which I can't really tell), then it makes no sense.