The Latest

morning update

  • Victory! Planned Parenthood League of MA announced that the Legislature overrode Romney's veto of funding for family planning services. A portion of the funding will be used to create a new emergency contraception hotline to coincide with the new Emergency Contraception Law. Tell-a-friend!
  • Action Alert! PETA is reporting that tens of thousands of monkeys are being imported into the United States to be used for cruel and unnecessary experiments. The importation of these monkeys, who often carry diseases, puts both humans and animals in our country at risk. Act Now!
  • Two gay men have been beaten to death in the Boston area in the past several months. Police are investigating if there is a link. Read more.
  • The International Longetivity Center has released an incredibly comprehensive report on Ageism in America (pdf) and what you can do to fight it.
  • Good News: Joe Lieberman (endorsed by HRC) is trailing his anti-war, pro-gay opponent Ned Lamont in the polls for the first time. Meanwhile, Daily Kos argues (with math and charts!) that Lamont can't win the general election.

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